Thursday, February 28, 2008

Theme 232 - Sport

Here is a picture at the latest museum we went to on Sunday.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Theme 164 - Tall

This tree is about 270 feet tall and over 17 feet wide. That is almost as tall as the Statue of Liberty. Imagine, a tree this large can grow from a seed about the size of an oatmeal flake. Redwood seeds come from cones which are about an inch long and contain about 50 seeds. Most of the ground in the redwood forest is thickly covered with leaves, so seeds rarely find their way to the soil except after a fire or flood.

Theme 38 - Such Great Heights

Here is a photo of my 3 girls looking up at the tallest tree in the Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park. Hope it makes you laugh, it does to me.

Theme 29 - Challenge

Ok here is the challenge. How many people can you get inside of this tree (redwood)? The answer is 34 college kids. It once had a window and someone lived in it. The window can be seen only from the inside now.

Theme 44 - Steam

This is an antique steam train that you can ride through California's rain forest of coastal redwoods. It is called Roaring Camp.

Theme 35 - Park

This photo was taken at the park we went to, after our hike in the woods.

Theme 143 - Bird

This picture was taken while we at the beach.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Theme 220 - Bridge

The Golden Gate Bridge

Theme 313 - Silhouette

My 3 girls looking at the Golden Gate Bridge for the first time that they can remember.

Theme 31 - Boat

Ok so I thought maybe I should use this one for pirate as it's such a huge... boat, but I hope I will come across another pirate for my theme. Anyway if you look really close above the tug boat you will see Alcatraz, it's the only building in the picture. Just thought I would point it out for those that might not have known.

Theme 354 - Beach

It's the first time all 3 girls remember being at the beach.

Theme 55 - Rubbish

This is a bunch of paper hanging from strings to create art. It's huge! The sign on the right hand side is about 2 feet wide.

Theme 146 - Quirky

The shoes you see walk on this treadmill all day, and test the soles of shoes to check for durability and wear and tear.

Theme 234 - Shadow

This wonderful shadow that my daughter was playing with teaches about the 3 main colors.

Theme 74 - Bubbles

Here is my husband (Sean) trying to blow a really big bubble.

Theme 244 - Magnet

The big upside down "U" shape is a magnet. The kids had alot of fun playing in this bowl of washers.

Theme 319 - Hand

Here is my husbands hand. It is one of those things that has pins/nails that stick through and it makes an impression on the top. Hope you know what I'm talking about. Hard to explain.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Theme 172 - Black and White

Here is a great Black and White photo... because it's funny.

Theme 286 - Cartoon

Cute cartoon... had to share.

Theme 275 - Play Doh

My kids received these for Christmas last year. Sorry kids you had to wait until I took a picture of them for my Theme before you get to play with it.

Theme 16 - Handmade

I made these for a craft show I did for Christmas. Before I put them away for the year, I remembered this Theme for handmade.

Theme 21 - Diary

My oldest daughter received her first Diary for Christmas this past year. It has a lock and key, her favorite thing to do is draw pictures in it.

Theme 349 - Mints

One of my favorite mints is Andes. If you have not tried one, it is a must, don't let this one pass you by. Mmmmmm!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Theme 278 - Power

Ooops, forgot one taken at one of the museums. This one is a picture of an airplane engine. Just look at all that power.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Theme 103 - Vintage

Here is a picture of one of the many full size passenger cars we saw. It is also the last of the pictures of our fun trip to the museums. What a wonderful day we had. I hope you all have enjoyed our trip.

Theme 289 - Cooking

Here is also another picture of inside a serving train. They had the kitchen at one end and the dining area at the other end. I had to adjust the lighting as the picture turned out really dark.

Theme 168 - Archway

This picture is taken of inside of a passenger car. I loved all the archways here, but the people behind me sure didn't like me trying to take the picture. :(

Theme 217 - Train

This is a picture of a full size train at the Train Museum. I love the color of it, so bright.

Theme 323 - Wheel

The picture of this train wheel reminded me of something you might find on a hotrod in the 50's. With it's fire flames.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Theme 138 - Stars

Here is a picture of an airplane that was more like a model. They set a screen behind it to look like it was in the sky. With all those wonderful stars, I just had to put it up for this theme.

Theme 327 - Flight

Ok so I have been trying to get a good picture of an airplane lately and it rains everytime I go to the airport, so I guess I lucked out when we went to the Aerospace Museum on Saturday. Now I can stop bringing my camera with me to the airport and leave disappointed.

Theme 22 - Technology

Here is a picture of the inside of a fighter plane. It's the front end or the nose of the plane. I don't know how old this plane is but it is currently not in use.

Theme 296 - Rocket

Here is a picture of a Rocket Booster. It's as if you were looking right inside it.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Theme 183 - Uniform

This one reminds me of "Top Gun"... any Tom Cruise Fans?

Theme 101 - Mask

This was also taken at the Aerospace Museum. I love how the person looks so real.

Theme 119 - Map

This picture was taken at the Aerospace Museum. It reminds me of an old treasure map, but actually it was on a piece of glass. The brown tones is of the concrete on the floor on the other side of the glass wall/window.

Theme 242 - Museum

It was Museum Day here in California so off we went. I thought what a great way to start my photos was with a conductor.