Sunday, March 16, 2008

Theme 72 - Dandelion

Dandelions, my kids just love them. They love to blow all those seeds off the stem, what great fun being a kid! We see at least 3-4 a day now.


Julie M said...

Won't be seeing those for a while here! I love dandelions, though...

Linda Judd said...

They must grow just about everywhere in the world - even here in the desert, but they aren't as big and beautiful as in Oregon or Alaska (our former homes). And there aren't any in bloom yet here.

Dogeared said...

Lovely photo, with the tufts all white and lit up so well!

I better start keeping an eye out for dandelions - I got two great shots of them last year, so thought it'd be a good theme to see everyone else try!

Linda aka Elemobe said...

Great photo.

Reminds me of my childhood - used to love these. The leaves make a great salad as well.